Curious about something?

Frequently Asked

What should I expect in the first visit?
A conversation about your primary health concerns and goals for treatment. A thorough physical examination. Communication of diagnosis and plan of action. Treatment if possible.
What should I wear?
Dress comfortably in clothes that you can move in. Shorts and t-shirt preferred. Please bring indoor footwear.
How many visits are required in my treatment plan?
This is dependent on your goals and the severity of your condition. On average 4-6 sessions.
Do you offer direct billing to my insurance?
We can directly bill most insurance companies. This is based on whether your insurance policy allows direct billing.
How long is each session?
Sessions at Body Forma are either 60 minutes or 30 minutes Initial assessments are always 60 minutes to provide time for a thorough assessment, report of findings and treatment.
Do you provide treatment on the first visit?
In most cases we are able to provide treatment on the first visit. If the practitioner requires further investigation or referral to another practitioner (ie. Your family doctor), then treatment may not be provided on the first visit.
Do I need an X-ray?
Most cases do not require an x-ray investigation. Your therapist at Body Forma will determine the need for any imaging investigations based on an evidence informed decision.
How is Body Forma different from other clinics?
Boutique clinic experience. Non-rushed 60 or 30 minute sessions. High quality hands-on treatment customized to achieve your treatment goals. We have semi-open and closed rooms available to meet your privacy needs.

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We're located at
6 Rylander Blvd. Toronto, ON
Unit 5b M1B 0B6
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